Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

Bridal Accessories

History of Blue's Accessories
Blue's Accessories is a business engaged in the manufacture and sale of accessories. These businesses will begin on August 31, 2007 by Diane Marlina my own business as owner. This business plan will be built in the area I that is at Jalan Bukit Nyatoh Pangkalpinang no.345-Bangka. The reason I chose this place, because the area is a residential area and local residents boarding-lodging house where the target market that will target are teenagers and college students, especially women.
The products will be sold in the form of necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, all of these products is the main product while the key chain is a product that will possibly become the main product in this business. Customers can be creative here, they can choose and design accessories in accordance with their wishes.
Blue's Accessories itself employs 7 people employees, of which 3 people making section, 2 section palayanan, 1 cashier and 1 section section car park rangers. Blue's Accessories The area is very spacious which is 16x13, 5 m with a large parking area as well. Size here because it can accommodate about 20 customers motor.
These businesses are eager to satisfy customers who come to serve as possible and provide a long time to customers in choosing the materials to make accessories as you wish.We did not close the possibility of a variety of products if customers want that.

Men suit

Anne Hollander, author of Sex and Suits, said that the combination of jacket and pants that bind a man's body really looks "perfect" and the jacket can last very long because he had a strong erotic attraction. In his eyes, that sexy suit. He compared the suit have the same value with the Concorde and Ferrari.That view of the opposite sex when she saw a jacket attached to the body of a man. But socially jackets also have their own role, not merely shaped object and function. Jas penah a stamp of social status when it was originally created in the late 17th century, but in the next two centuries turned into a more aspirational when people began to dress in order to show his true identity.
Throughout its history connotes jacket with social development and assimilate to European culture before merembas into parts of the world where it is today. By traveling a short coat that does not ultimately have limitations and narrowing the role. He is now strongly associated with the world of the workers and are no longer in use throughout the day.

October 1666 at the court of King Charles II in England."Today is the king for the first time wearing a vest with a coat on top and wide pants. Coat breeches, "wrote the historical record contained in the book John de Greefe Costumes et Vestons publications Booking International, Paris, 1989.
Faithful follower of the king immediately adopted the king's new clothes. Model clothing that was spread among the ordinary. Who would have thought that clothing style eventually became the forerunners of a suit that travels about three centuries!Actually at first the king of England and the penjahitrnya got inspiration to make that knee-length coat from Turkish and Persian traditional clothing, a long coat that looks kind of long robe. Before becoming an important news at the palace, the coat was first used in military circles. Mantel Turkey also has been used by artists and artists who then took him into the palace salon.

18th Century
History records, suits thriving precisely because of bad relations between Britain and France which took place in the 18th. At that time the feud between the two countries is not only happening in political issues, but also intrigue the influence of affect in a matter of fashion.
Turkey that has been engineered coat-shaped knee-length coat is then cut short into a kind of waist-length jacket called a waistcoat. The palace tailors clothing enrich it with ornate decorative form of embroidery of gold and silver thread. Even the pants are treated as decorative. Not infrequently the suit was sewn on top of luxurious materials, such as beluduru. This makes the reputation of British fashion is more shiny.
News The new discovery well in the land until the enemy. At that time France was ruled by King Louis XIV, who famously said, "L'etat CEST moi" or "The state is me". Obviously the king is famous as a lover of hot performances that suit the triumph of English hearts to hear earlier.

The king tide tactics to denigrate the value of the coat while mocking the king of England and the tailors his palace. Short jacket worn by British nobility, even as he enjoined to wear uniforms French infantry soldiers. No less the servants are required to also wear the short coat.
But the action actually happened to turn around Louis XIV. He hit the stone because of the short jacket that turned out to be popular in France. The French king, too, wear them for half terakir reign. Clothing that initially it would dideskriditkan eventually demand all over mainland Europe.
More funny again, the French perfected the jacket with decorative embroidery and sparkling richer until later claimed that short jacket as its findings.
True, France has made a coat that becomes more reasonable and luxurious.

King XIV was known pleased ceremonies and life-loving spree. His biography says, "He is pleased luxury .." Palace of Versailles outside Paris built with a full baroque style element stunning golden.
Clothes are important in all ceremonies at the palace and to be prepared with the best. Even the servants are commanded to follow every ceremonial king and before waking up to the bed. Anyone who participated in the procession of the king's sleep was required to wear clothing that is set by protocol palace!
But the palace would be honored if selected in the activity and do not care about victims trapped in their own game. The nobles are required to submit to the rules of court. King also protect the textile industry at that time by the ongoing luxury dress

"Fashion is a mirror of history," said the king who has been nicknamed "The King of the Sun" is.Britain had initially drawn to luxury and fashion created in the French palace. But then this country walk with his own style which is very different and has a uniqueness that can be given effect.
Around the year 1730, a French man named Cesar de Saussure visited England and made a special note, as quoted from the writings of Farid Chenoune in the book A History of Men Fashion Flamarion publication, 1993.
Well write a note that:"They were dressed simply. They are rarely seen wearing hair braids.
They wore short jackets which is named frockcoat, without ornament embroidery and wear the collar at the top. They were all wearing wigs roll, plain hat without a feather and her hands hold the stick, not a sword, but the material and her white shirt is very nice and most fashionable. Style like that used rich merchant, rich gentlemen male and landlords, who stepped on the muddy road, especially in the morning. "

"People will be fascinated to see their clothes are so innocent. Especially when the view is not only used by merchants who do business in the city, but also by the nobility. At that time, there is advice: Be careful where you're going on the streets of London. Dress properly. Be careful what you wear clothing with great decorations, feather in the cap and ponytail hair ribbon, can-can you dubbed the "French dog". "
"Although British men were dressed simply, they are very polite in the matter of ethics. Other nobles and upper class honor ethic that distinguishes the morning with casual wear formal clothes to the streets, watch theater and into the palace, especially in the event a state in which they dress so apiknya with the most charming fashion. "
In early 1740, some nobles and wealthy merchants in France began to adopt the clothing and the British tradition, left the fashion of Paris who was then in vogue in Europe. Simple English style of dress that took effect in many circles until he is widely known in France.

Anglomania emerged as a new term to refer to fashion trends that originated in England at that time.
Kesederhanan British style that grew out of the lifestyle of the nobleman. British landlords who live on their land away from the palace. While the nobility
French living in the palace, away from their land. That's why the British aristocracy in the later days of their adaptation to borrow clothes from the lower classes for opportunities outside the palace. Clothing "street" that's been adapted into a simple form.
Suit slowly changing way in the second half of the 18th century with the emergence of new clothing styles which again comes from England.

In those days hunting lifestyle to the countryside has increased in society. For this purpose they created a special suit used to ride a horse to the riding coat called in France became known as the title redingote.
This riding jacket wear collar stand, wear buttoned up to her waist and made of plain materials. Long shape with a connection at the waist.
With its simple, unadorned, plain, riding coat became the forerunner of a suit that we know today.
France adopted a riding coat it. Riding coat and variety into a style clothing many people, from owners to waiters. In 1769 riding jacket is very common in use in the streets of Paris. The men wore a kind of long coat with a buttonhole to the waist and made of coarse material. TowardsFrench Revolution, honored redingote worn at court nobles, wealthy merchants, merchants and even servants.

Understanding Clothing, and Various kinds

The term fashion is a term familiar to us all. The term comes from the Sanskrit clothing that is "bhusana" and terms that are popular in the Indonesian language that is "fashion" which means "clothing". However, understanding fashion and clothing there are subtle differences, where the dress has a connotation of "good or beautiful clothes" which is a matching outfit, harmonious, harmony, good in view, comfortable look, perfect with the user and in accordance with the occasion. While clothing is part of fashion itself.
Clothing in the broad sense is anything that is worn from head to toe that gives comfort and beauty show for sipemakai. Broadly speaking fashion include:

1. Absolute fashion clothing is clothing that are categorized as basic as clothes, skirt, kebaya, blouses, bebe and others, including such singlet underwear, bras, panties and so forth.
2. Milineris that is complementary fashion that is supplemental to an absolute fashion, as well as having use value also for their beauty as well as shoes, bags, hats, socks, glasses, scarves, scraf, shawl, watches and others.
3. Fashion accessories that complement the character only to add beauty sipemakai such as rings, necklaces, pendant, Bross and others.From the above it is clear that fashion is not just limited to clothing such as skirts, blouses or pants, but the unity of the whole which we start from head to toe, both the nature of goods as well as a valuable complement to or for jewelry. Understanding the above is very important for someone who will be working in the field of fashion.

a. Fashion is more focused on fashion that is generally presented as the terms are in vogue fashion community that is in fashion, fashion is exhibited or demonstrated is called fashion shows, while fashion designer says the fashion designer, fashion and fashion book called the book.
b. Costume. This term relates to the type of clothing such as national dress is the national costume, called moslem muslim clothing costume, called the local clothing traditional costume.
c. Clothing, clothing means clothing that is associated with the condition or situation, such as clothing for the winter season called winter clothing, summer clothing that is summer clothing and fashion for spring called the spring cloth.
d. Dress, can be interpreted dresses, skirts, blouses are clothes that show a particular occasion, such as clothing for formal occasions known as dress suits, dress uniform dress uniform is said to dress for the party and called party dress. Dress also shows a model of certain clothing such as long dresses, sack dress and Malaysian dress.
e. Wear, the term is used to indicate the type of clothing itself, the sample of children referred to children's fashion wear, menswear-called men's wear and women's clothing called women's wear.

World's Most Expensive Wedding Gown Rp13 Billion Worth, Jad Ghandour, a fashion designer from Beirut, Lebanon, creating a wedding dress that can be said the most expensive worldwide. The wedding dress for U.S. $ 1.5 million or equivalent to Rp13, 6 billion.
Expensive wedding dress-making project was supported by Danasha Luxury jewelry company. The dress is intentionally made to Miami International Fashion Week held from 18 to 21 March 2010 and then in Miami, United States.
Expensive wedding dress is stored in a secret place with two security men who guard with maximum security. The dress is only shown on 20 March in the invitations are limited.To maintain security, only a sketch of a dress and not dress original photo submitted to the public. The designer said he used a cloth of silver with diamond details and ornaments of pure gold. To decorate the dress hand using 18-carat diamond.
"My goal is not just for diamonds and gold put together. But it wants to create a real work of art," said a team of Ghandour, as quoted from
Though expensive, and consist of diamonds, gold and silver high-quality, but unfortunately because we can not see the original photo dress, and dress can be seen only in the form of sketches.

Types of Fabrics

History of Indonesian Traditional Fabric
Indonesia is an archipelago consisting of approximately 17,000 islands and is divided into several provinces, and this is why Indonesia has led to cultural diversity. One of the most important cultural heritage that is the traditional woven cloth.
As is known weaving (clothing) traditionally thought to have started since the Neolithic (Prehistoric), which found evidence of the findings of prehistoric objects prehistoris older than 3,000 years ago.
Traces the legacy of this garment manufacture was found on the site Gilimanuk, Melolo, East Sumba, Mount Wingko, Yogyakarta, and others. In this region are found being of (cap) woven, tools for spinning, kereweng kereweng-woven fabric and stamped with the obvious material of woven fabric made of cotton.

In prehistoric times serves as a protective body clothing from heat and cold, and insect problems and sharp objects. The materials used are very simple, such as bark, animal skins, fiber, leaves, and roots of plants. The tools used to make clothing in the form of battering from wood or stone, a rectangular shape and there are some lines in the middle.
Making clothing from bark requires experience and knowledge, after being selected tree species and has hard wood fiber length, then the tree (wood), hulled, and then soaked wood fibers for soft water. With a wood bat stones then formed into a fabric skin. Time tradition of making this kind of cloth was found in the area of Central Sulawesi, called "Fuya" and in Irian called "Capo".

In the classical period, India, Persia, China, Europe is a country that many traditional woven fabrics affect Indonesia. But did not rule out other countries like Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, dab etc. also influence it. These effects in addition to looking at the ornaments or carvings of buildings, temples, glass paintings, songs, and so forth. Chinese influence is still apparent today is the architecture of the Great Mosque of Banten, the design of the main mosque roofed buildings stacked five entrusted to the architect of China named Check Ban Cut, so that the building shows the idiom of Chinese pagodas, both of form, expression through carving. Another effect is also visible on the cloth like bird poenix patterned fabric. Depictions of animals and even humans ape on reliefs in the temples such as Borobudur and Prambanan (a scene-Subali Sugriwa) 8-9 centuries portrayed wearing clothes.

In the Old Javanese inscriptions can be found in terms that provide a snapshot of the weaving in the past. At year inscription framed Middle Reef 847 (Col. Mus D Nas No. 27) contained the words "white hlai 1 (one) kalambi" means a single strand of white cloth and clothing. In the inscription "New" in 1034 AD called Pawdikan word batik means or weavers. In the inscription "Cane" in 1021 AD and the inscriptions of the year 929 AD Singosari (Col. Mus Nas No. 88) contained the term "makapas" or madagang cotton. In the folklore that has to do with weaving is the story of the Kuriang, a key figure in the story that is Dayang Sumbi whose job is to weave everyday. Making clothes in the past to the instructions on the relief of "women were weaving" is inscribed on the stone base of the region Trowulan 14th century, now stored in the Museum Trowulan, East Java.

Woven manufacturing techniques can be divided into two major categories, namely techniques for making cloth (loom) and techniques to create decoration. There are two very important thing is preparing the manufacture of yarn and the manufacture of dyes.
Making yarn traditionally by using ballast played with the finger (Java: diplintir), ballast is shaped like a top made of wood or terracotta. In western Indonesia (Sumatra, Java, Bali, Lombok), there are other ways to make yarn using the "Antih," This instrument consists of a wide wheel that can be played the following hook (Javanese: Ontel) to rotate the wheel. Materials made of yarn other than cotton, bark, banana fiber, pineapple fiber, palm leaves,

Manufacture of dyes in the past consisted of two blue and red. The blue color is obtained from indigo or Mirinda Citrifonela or noni. In addition there are other dyes from plants like kesumba (sono rivet).
There are two regions of the division of the loom, the first loom of eastern Indonesia, in general weaver sits on the ground outside the house, in the shade or on the floor of the house, by linking one of these tools on the pole. Both loom western Indonesia (Java-Bali), in this area there is a loom is called "Cacak" which is two short poles that were given parts to put the board in order to roll up yarn that will be woven, the tool is usually placed on a "divan" is halls are made of bamboo.

Woven rope is woven fabric made with a technique of weaving where weft, warp or both dyed before weaving, the threads are tied not subject to color, so that once released would arise fastening the desired patterns. Warp ikat fabrics also exist in combination with decorative beads.
Songket fabric is woven fabric made with a technique to add the feed yarns, trimmings made by inserting a thread of silver, gold or colored thread on warp, sometimes decorated with beads, shells or coins. In Palembang songket cloth woven with gold or silver thread known as the Weaving Songket Palembang, this craft began since the era of Sriwijaya. Several centuries ago, this craft is an obligation for the teens before they begin to settle down. This cloth is used for traditional ceremonies, generally worn by women in the marriage ceremony and by the dancers. In the past sarong songket "Lepus" is made of silk decorated with gold thread, only used by the daughters of the king in ceremonial grandeur.

Striated fabric is how to create a fabric woven with a garnish or longitudinal lane lines. In the Java community, especially in the area of Probolinggo shawl striated "Tulak watu" is used for ceremonies seven monthly (Java: Tingkeban / mitoni) and to meruwat (ngruwat). Tingkeban ceremony is conducted for safety by a woman who first seven months pregnant, to be bathed by a shaman. In pregnant women the ceremony, saying: "If a man like Kumajaya hopefully and if women should be like a goddess Ruth." Striated patterned fabrics have a certain magical power that can eliminate evil spirits, cure illness, prevent a person from bad luck and so forth .
Batik fabrics are fabrics made with decorative techniques on white fabric with evening wear or a candle. Decorative technique on a white cloth painted with canting or cap material and then soaked in dye color. Batik-making techniques at first use sticky material as reist-dyed (night) in the process of batik and a pen sort of instrument as cantingnya, batik is called batik "symbol." Further development found lebab night, lanceng as a substitute glutinous porridge, and then developed into a candle batik canting stationery and equipment.